Happy Money, The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money By Ken Honda ( FULL AUDIO BOOK)

2 months ago

Become Zen with your money and alleviate your anxieties about finances and earning potential. Ken Honda - Japan’s number-one best-selling personal-development guru - will help you heal your relationship with money and discover the lifestyle that will truly make you happy.

Ken Honda knows that getting rich quick is no way to achieve happiness. Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. Now, with practical and accessible language, the Zen Millionaire (as he is known in Japan) clearly explains how to achieve a peace of mind when it comes to money and how to decide which path you should take toward happiness.

Learn how to change your relationship with money by treating it as a welcome guest - allowing it to come and go with respect without questioning its motives or resenting its fluctuations. Understand and improve your Money EQ, look behind the myth of scarcity, and embrace the process of giving money along with receiving it.

What Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up did for your living space, Honda’s Happy Money will do for your feelings about your wallet.

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