Cancer - Trillion dollar SCAMS vs CURES that threaten them

2 months ago

Also important for curing cancer are not just the treatments that stress, attack, or reduce the cancer cells and tumors, but two other factors.

BTW, some cancer killing methods, not shown in image above, are fasting, which stresses the cancer cells, which are weaker than normal cells. Also exposure to sunlight and/or Infra Red and exercise help because they raise your body temperature, which again is a stress on the cancer cells. In Europe, one cancer treatment is giving patients a bacteria that causes a controlled but prolonged fever to kill the cancer cells and/or tumor. Why isn't that treatment used in America? Probably b/c it doesn't require a multi-million dollar machine (chemo) to implement nor is it some patentable pharma drug, justified with a bogus study sponsored by Big Pharma.

One factor besides attacking the cancer cells directly is the health of your immune system, which depends on NUTRITION i.e. Vitamins C, D, and E, and especially ones we are deficient in like K2 (grass fed meat and dairy are excellent sources) and the REAL A vitamin, retinol A (Cod liver oil is an excellent source), not the fake one, Beta Carotene A, which our body does not synthesize into A, as we have been led to believe.

The second factor is reducing inflammation through anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant foods or supplements. There are many of these that aid in this effort. Some power anti-inflammatory foods are Turmeric, Cloves, Chaga Mushrooms, and Reishi mushrooms.

All of these also aid in preventing cancer along with avoiding the poison intentionally put in in our foods that cause cancer. Chemicals that are banned everywhere else BUT America ... and why is that? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Health Care Industry in America is a 5 TRILLION dollar annual industry, FIVE TIMES the size of our Military Industrial Complex, and where Cancer treatment is the biggest segment of that, topping a Trillion dollars.
Titanium Dioxide
Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40, Blue 2
Potassium Bromate and Azodicarbonamide (ADA)
Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) (should avoid all Seed Oils)
Synthetic hormones, such as rBGH and rBST
Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides

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