COMMANDER TRUMP Enforce Monroe Doctrine, Banish Crown & Noahide Laws

2 months ago

CiC Trump, be advised that disloyal citizens of the United States, as spies and saboteurs and impersonating as Senators and Representatives, have subverted the laws of the United States with unconstitutional and antisemitic Noahide Laws.

These fables are not in the Thora, or Bible and have no standing in the United States, a Nation that according to SCOTUS is formed under the Doctrine of Discovery and is therefore a Christian Nation.

The Monroe Doctrine is tied at the hip with the Doctrine of Discovery, and it banished all European influence in the Western Hemisphere, necessitating the Crown leave Canada, and Denmark leave Greenland.

Sir, I am sure you are aware that according to the ARTICLE XI of the Articles of Confederation : Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States

Neither the Crown nor Congress have any say in the matter Canada becoming a State. It is up to the citizens of Canada to decide if they wish to join the Union. Maybe Elon Musk can use X and poll them.

As for Greenland, the United States has permanent military bases both above and below ground and therefor provides de-facto protection to the residents of Greenland. Denmark must go.

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