Miles Guo‘s Revelations On The CCP's Ambition To Dominant The World

2 months ago

Looking Back at Miles Guo’s Revelations:
🔥 2017: Warned the world about the CCP’s 3F strategy—Weaken, Destabilize, and Destroy America
🔥 2019: Exposed the CCP’s plan to use biological weapons 💉
🔥 The Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) infiltration strategy
🔥 The “13579 Plan”—using virtual currency to crush the USD and a virus to target white populations
🔥 CCP’s shadow government—Sequoia Capital, PAG, Taiping Alliance

❗️ This is a decisive battle between authoritarian regimes and Western democracy and the rule of law ❗️
💥 Darkness is coming 💥

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