Review the Year - before you go on

1 month ago

Hi everyone, nice to be back - but before I start next years content I would like to share some guidance that is helping me and hopefully you.
Very important to do a review of where and to who we gave our power away in 2024 - although this is timeless advice.
I encourage you to do an inventory on what and who you are listening to - as well as the influences around you.
As you evolve so should your diet - bar a few healthy 'staples' ..
Going within to also learn the lessons of big life events that fundamentally change and shape you.
My divorce from the spiritual community (more to follow - but truly what a mess is out there...), not being a slave to Social Media and a precursor to new work including a Getting Spiritually Fit with Me in 2025 - plus MY take on Predictions for the New Year which is really about TRENDS - that YOU have the power to mould and change. NOTHING is set in stone - unless you have a fixed narrow mind.
Also looking at your presence, ability to disconnect and be who YOU ARE (not like the others) as critical life skills.
@AmandaEllis #2024review

Cards: The Creation Codes Mica Blaise & Stacey Tucker and the Winter Waite Tarot

Healing & Connection Aura Sprays containing essential oils:
Magenta Bridge Time & Self Mastery

To donate (thank you)

My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 48K followers as of October 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news:

I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too!

Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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