“The Fleeing Shadows!” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: Restoration Proclamation

2 months ago

Get a copy of my book: https://www.amazon.com/Consider-Servant-Kendal-Brian-Hunter/dp/1555177522

Opening Hymn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usbMQ8bLeFw

i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
II. Theme: "The Fleeing Shadows!"
III. Background
i. Since 1995, era of 1P and Q12 proclamations
ii. 1980, with the sesquicentennial of Church
iii. Three Key ones (out of doctrinal order)
1. Christ
2. Restoration
3. Family
IV. Preamble
i. Paragraph one feels out of order
ii. It's a preamble like the US Constitution
iii. emotional connection with audience,  pathos before logos and ethos
V. Sacred Grove
i. Make sure telling story right, no one or the other, but two motives
1. Forgiveness of sins (1832) AF 2, 3, 4
2. what church to join (1838) AF 6
a. All wrong, creeds abomination, professors corrupt
b. Smothering this as a means to interfaith dialogue?
c. Loosing ground to get people to like us?
d. Putting on a leather jacket, getting a different haircut, ink and piercings to fit in?
3. First Vision AF 1
ii. Restore Christ's church AF 6
1. question of schism and reformation: which is Christ's church
2. Our Church is Meridian church, also an OT church, also Garden of Eden Church, and most importantly, a Premortal Church
3. Word "apostasy" does not appear in this, but also in 1980 statement
iii. Restoration of Authority and Keys AF 5
iv. Book of Mormon AF 8
v. Church organization AF 6
vi. Continuing revelation (ongoing restoration) AF 9
vii. Invitation
VI. Christ Quotient
i. Atonement Quotient
1. Creeds were about the nature of God
2. Reformation was a debate about the atonement: how we are saved
a. Luther's 95 theses
b. 5 Solas
c. Calvin's TULIPS
3. Restoration about both: Nature of God and nature of the Atonement
ii. Document speaks for itself
1. We work with other denominations for relief. But understand there are filters:
a. Debate Christ versus Paul
b. Augustine
c. Aquinas
d. Martin Luther
e. Eastern Orthodox thinkers
f. Pop theologists
g. Or: Joseph Smith
2. Isaiah 11, D&C 113. Jesus and Jospeh Smith; Isaiah 29 and 52
3. First Presidency MFP6:4
a. Two great truths must be accepted by mankind if they shall save themselves: first, that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Only Begotten, the very Son of God, whose atoning blood and resurrection save us from the physical and spiritual death brought to us by the Fall; and next, that God has again restored to the earth, in these last days, through the Prophet Joseph, His holy Priesthood with the fulness of the everlasting Gospel, for the salvation of all men on the earth. Without these truths man may not hope for the riches of the life hereafter.
b. Simiar statement JRC
4. We need to be clear about both points"
a. CSL in Mere Christianity, avoids the denomination question
b. "HCF, highest common factor among the denominations
iii. That's the Point

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