Debt Collectors - Godless and Soulless

3 days ago

I find it incredible that people like these debt collectors have not woken up to what has been happening for 7 years (pushing aside the many years leading up to 2020). They have no idea what is going on, their ignorance is incredible. Excuses such as "I was just doing my job" will not go down well in the near future. The CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION dissolved on 08 Jun 2021, the Government of the UK have no principal power, and the Monarchy are nothing more than pantomime with old video footage and masked actors or doubles. Treason, Sedition, Extortion, Unlawful contracting, are just some terms people will soon start hearing about. Politicians, Judges, Police, Council Workers, the list goes on and on, and the people will soon learn some brutal truths of how all these people have kept us in servitude as bonded slaves for many, many years.

If anyone today is a debt collector, you are breaking the law, as all business carried out between a legal fiction MUST have obtained LAWFUL joinder, with fully informed consent, a lawful written contract, no coercion, no threat, no fraud, no deception, no intimidation, with FULLY INFORMED CONSENT....none of this has ever happened, because the vast majority of people have no idea they are "Legal Fictions"'s been FRAUD since the day we were born.

2020 was the start of God's IQ Test, the choice was simple, you side with Satan, or with God. Those people with a Soul "should" know the difference between what is Good and what is Bad/Evil

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