Christian Video Vault: WRETCHED! Survivors of Satanic Pedophile Ritual Abuse!

2 months ago

For decades there have been horrific stories told by those coming out of occult backgrounds that are so terrifying that many refuse to even give such tales more than a second thought.

Such confessions always speak of the same traumatic events of Satanic rituals that involve human sacrifice, sexual abuse, and mind control techniques.

Even though the reports have been dismissed as nothing more than “Satanic Panic”, the victims refuse to go away.

As witnesses continue to surface, the reality of an underground Satanic power of lawlessness becomes more and more difficult to ignore.

With courage and boldness, the survivors of these traumatic events relive their nightmares and tell of the only thing that saved them from it all, Jesus Christ.

Credits Thomas Dunn.

Christian Video Vault
23.6K subscribers
Dec 28, 2024

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