What do Jesus, Isaiah, Hosea, and Elisha have in common? Meaning of the Hebrew Name Yeshua ישוע

2 months ago

The angel told Joseph that his wife would give birth to a son, and that he should name him Jesus because he would save his people from their sins. In Hebrew, the name Jesus is "Yeshua" ישוע from the root ישע (yud, shin, ayin) "yesha," and means "to save” or "salvation" in English.
Many spiritual leaders in the Bible have names derived from the root ישע such as Joshua the son of Nun (יהושע בן נון Yehoshua ben Nun), Isaiah (ישעיהו Eeshayahu), Hosea (הושע Hoshea), and Elisha (אלישע Elisha). The name Elisha, for instance, combines the word "El" (God) and "Yesha" (salvation), together meaning "God saves."

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