Building Australia Freedom Tribute to populist podcasters 3

2 months ago

Barnes Brief on Australian Populism from Australia’s Untold Stories
This is a Freedom Edition tribute to my favourite podcasters, VivaFrei (Viva and Barns), America’s Untold Stories (Hunley and Groubert), The Duran, and Bongino. I started following them after 2016, when I was dissatisfied with political analysis following the 2016 election. I wish it that my Freedom Volumes of Bread of Life have introductions inspired by these podcasts. So consider these to be in the style of AUS’s cousins, Skip Hunley and Koala Groubert.
The first volume of Freedom will cover Prehistory to Australia’s Federation. Jan to Apr The second volume will cover Federation to Ming the Merciless. May to Aug The third volume will cover the times from Ming the Merciless to present day 2024. Sep to Dec

In Depth
Australia’s electoral system was built to be different to USA. One difference is voting is compulsory in Australia. The big difference, results in a different way of electioneering. Australian politicians don’t need to convince those who agree with them to vote, so instead they cross the divide and claim to represent the so called ‘centre’, or, ‘everyone.’ That is one reason why the ALP chose ‘labor’ and Menzies chose ‘liberal’ as their party names. So, in the US, a series of primaries allow candidates to gather supporters, Australia does not have that. And so, while an election may give an Australian leader a mandate, even an effective leader can be rolled by opportunists.
Tony Abbott was an effective leader and elder statesman of world politics when he made moves to assert a position in the wake of a Malaysian passenger airplane shot down in Ukraine by Russian patriots. Joe Biden’s role in the tragedy is never discussed in the media, but US signals intelligence tracked the Russian Patriots call to Moscow when they admitted their error. All might seem par for the course until one asks why Ukraine had been ‘painting’ their military aircraft with civilian identifiers preceding the error. Obama had locked the west in opposition to Russia, but it was Ukraine which had initiated the war crime, and Abbott got called in to settle tensions, which he did. Abbott had had a daughter who had taken the same flight a week before. It was, by Ukraine an act of terror. Biden exploited it. Obama ducked.
Not long after, Abbott’s political opponent within his own party connected with Hilary Clinton and launched a campaign against Abbott, alleging misogyny. As a US based journalist denounced Abbott for being anti female, Turnbull did nothing, but every state Liberal party polled the issue and the decision was made “Women would not vote Abbott.” And so Abbott, whose senior public servant was female, who was a family man, with daughters, and a loving wife, was rolled for Turnbull. While Australia subsequently paid $millions to the Clinton foundation, that resource for Turnbull was spent.
Welcome to politics, Australian style. Where extremist left wing Green policy is deemed responsible by the press, and centre left politics of the conservative party is called ‘Lunar Right.’
Australia has a right wing, but it is not formalised into a functioning party. Tommy Robinson, following the UDL (Ulster Defence League) nomenclature created an EDL in England, and Australians formed an ADL (not to be confused with the US version with the same letters). ADL sought US political money, but knew their ADL name was toxic, so they called themselves the Australian Tea Party.
In 2010 a trucker’s convoy was organised and ADL backed an individual to be the face of it after the fact. That individual took over. That individual then took over a branch of a political party and became an agent of influence for the ADL in that party, their apparent job to sew division. Normally, a branch measures success by fundraising, but the party wanted an organiser.
Party politics is ugly in Australia, and sometimes disgusting. A popular PM, Bob Hawke had risen the ranks of Labor through trade unions. As trade union chief he was famous for his beer drinking, once throwing up live on air. The son of a religious minister, he was an atheist but could negotiate with anyone. During a visit to the UN, Hawke, representing Australia, told a joke. “A raffle was held in India, cheap to enter and with magnificent prizes, everyone got themselves tickets. Come the day of the draw, third place was drawn first. And so a poor Indian man won a BMW. Second place draw, and a man, wondering what beats a top of the line European car went to get his prize. It was a beautiful cake. “A cake, is that all I get when the other won a BMW?” “This is a special cake, baked by Mother Teresa.” “F@ck Mother Teresa” “No, no no. That is first prize.”
The ALP are the party of exploitation of Australian minorities. When communists were the ‘enemy’ in the ‘50s, ALP aligned to be reasonable and garner sympathy. During the so called peace marches against fighting in Vietnam, ALP were the first to demand understanding. When ALP PM Gough Whitlam took power in 1972, his first act was to abandon anyone in Vietnam that had believed the assurances and promises made to them. It was a scene similar to US withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was made without thoughtful planning. The result was when South Vietnam imploded a month after US withdrawal, Unified communist Vietnam had a surplus of US weapons. They offered to sell those weapons to the highest bidder, including Timor. Gough gave tacit approval for Indonesia to invade Timor, taking the lives of five journalists in Balibo. Despite the humanitarian crisis, Gough did nothing for Timor, Vietnamese peoples fleeing Vietnam crossed the ocean to get to Australia. An estimated 50% died making the journey on coastal vessels unsuited to open waters, and subjected to piracy from Chinese vessels.
Not every conservative Liberal leader s good, but no ALP leader is worthwhile. Malcolm Frazer (Liberal), was over ruled by his colleagues who helped Vietnamese refugees when nations like Malaysia were machine gunning refugees on beaches.
The issue of Aboriginal identity was exploited by the ALP. Government bodies were set up in which people who were Aboriginal by choice dominated. In the mid ‘80s, while ALP were adjusting the educational sector by merging technical and further education into universities, whereby nurses and teachers who used to get Diplomas had to get degrees, but the courses remained the same. An Aboriginal elder from Northern Territory met with a chairman of the academic board of a Sydney University, asking for his people to get a modern education for jobs. Instead, the government inflicted on all Australian children a black armband view of Australia, with Sydney Colony being an invasion force. All Australian children are told that Aboriginal Culture means individuals cannot become Australian. That myths made up by anthropologists must be blindly accepted.
A beautiful tale of resilience and survival came out of the ‘80s. Called Rabbit Proof Fence, it told the story of three Aboriginal children who had been abandoned in Western Australia. They were given foster care in Melbourne, but were homesick. They followed the Rabbit Proof Fence around the south coast of Australia for thousands of miles. They passed homesteads of settlers who gave them aid and facilitated their journey. They travelled the length off Australia, met strangers who showed love and didn’t molest them. Hollywood made a movie out of the story. In the movie, the girls were not in foster care but a kind of juvenile detention with prison garb. They are chased by authorities with guns and hunting dogs. The movie is required watching for all school children in Australia as part of te curriculum.
In the 80’s ATSIC (Australia and Torres Strait Islanders authority) authorised a ‘tent embassy’ in Canberra. A campaign gathered speed. After Liberals had ended White Australia Policy, ALP needed to trump that card, and the campaign was to publicly say ‘Sorry’ to Aboriginal peoples. Land rights were also an issue. Instead of mining for profit, it was conceived that miners would be charged rent.
A story arose of the Great Barrier reef dying from AGW. Only it is growing every year. But scientists are punished for saying so. Nonsense regarding power generation pervades public policy, so all of the ALP promote unsustainable energy sources and oppose sound energy practice. Yet the best wind power generator in 2010 has a twenty year working life (optimally) and costs 100k Euro more than it produces in its working life.
Corruption is endemic among the judiciary who do not respect the constitution or legislation that guides them. When land rights resulted in Mabo, the High Court of Australia claimed they could ‘read between the lines’ of the constitution. When Malcolm Turnbul found his Deputy PM, Barnaby Joyce, inconvenient, the High Court claimed that Joyce, born in Tamworth of NSW, was actually a NZ citizen because his grandfather had been born there before it became a nation. And the Deputy PM’s position was declared vacant and Joyce got re=elected.
However, corruption is much older, and much worse than what it seems. In the early ‘90s, paedophilia was raised as an issue that NSW needed to address as a state. The Premier’s ALP party had division where senior ranking members were leaking to the press. A royal commission into police practice, with the possibility of protecting paedophiles was being investigated, branched into teaching. The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is loath to investigate ALP figures. There was lots of name calling, but eventually it was decided the issue had settled. Then an issue arose at a metropolitan high school in an ALP area.
Special powers were given the coroner, who no longer needed to report a truth, but was sanctioned to include stakeholders. When Michael Hutchence died from apparent auto erotic misadventure, the coroner was allowed to report that it had been suicide. And so school girls felt better about the whole ordeal. A report was made about paedophilia in the school and an investigation was bungled. The teacher who reported appropriately within the department was transferred to another school. But, teachers of the other school were gien the innocen teacher’s identity. The innocent party reported of a child who suffered from anaphylaxis from peanuts. The child had told many people. The next year, the child was on an excursion where they were challenged to lick peanut butter from a spoon. Having been humiliated by their peers while talking of their condition, one imagines he thought he would get sick and the teacher would get into trouble. Instead he died in seconds, and the coroner placed partial blame on the parents not warning the school, as they had. In covering up the incident, a law was made in some places across the world, banning peanut butter from use in schools, churches and child care centres. The issue was raised in NSW parliament and copied into record of Hansard, but the government delayed it until it was out of office. Parliament does not investigate itself and any inquiry was dead.
There are no greater nations than Australia. In 1975, legislation was passed to allow all workers in Australia who work full time to get four weeks annual leave. This would help the economy with Australians holidaying in Australia. However, it was pointed out that wage earners who worked overtime might miss those hours. So a survey was done and it was found that the average overtime worked by employees was 17.5%. So, every wage and salary earner gets four weeks annual leave with leave loading. Nowadays, overtime rates are at fifty percent, but no one is insisting on that being a new leave loading.

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