Did This Officer FAIL to Engage or Was This a Malfunction? - Tactical Review-

2 months ago

This incident involved the Greenfield Police Department and occurred on August 22nd, 2021. Officers were involved in a pursuit which ended in a serious collision and ultimately an officer involved shooting occurred. This video will discuss various tactics deployed and some suggestions on how these tactics could have been improved. This does not take away from the fact that the officers involved conducted themselves heroically and we respect the dangers they face.

Make Tactical Sense helps fill in the gap of police interactions and incidents involving public safety. Our videos are for educational purposes by providing insight from current Law Enforcement personnel and sharing non-confidential information to help the public understand why certain interactions and tactics occur. This channel is not in any way representing any individual agency and is not giving any civil or legal advise.

Make Tactical Sense does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
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Does this Officer Fail To Engage or Was it a Malfunction?? Tactical Review

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