
1 month ago

What is the meaning of Consumption?

The act or process of consuming.

The state of being consumed.

An amount consumed.

The using up of goods and services by consumer purchasing or in the production of other goods.

A progressive wasting of body tissue.

The act or process of consuming by use, waste, etc.; for example: decay; destruction.

What’s the meaning of “DISOBEDIENCE?

Refusal or failure to obey.

Neglect or refusal to obey; violation of a command or prohibition.

Refusal to obey.

The trait of being unwilling to obey.

The failure to obey.

But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do את all these commandments; And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. VAYIQRA (LEVITICUS) 26:14-16 את CEPHER

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