2 months ago

This video gives real kudos to the critical thinkers in society amongst a boatload of sheep, who willingly took the vaxx (aka as really Experimental Gene Destructor). Doug sings the praises for the people that went with their gut and didn't fall in line with the rest of the sheep. Soon we will be seeing another pandemic: The H5N2 Bird Flu, which again will be a total psyop, and the complacent stupid sheep will fall in line again. No doubt at all the so called "Vaccines" are a detriment in the highest degree - an evil machination designed to kill people - and a BILLION have according to a recent Japanese study. Great job to those who knew there was something fishy about the whole thing, and who tried to warn others of this liability. The entire fucking world was foisted upon with these fucking vaccines, and the lockdowns, and everything else that went with it - purely fucking ridiculous. Sad to say if you took the Vaxx, you're gonna die soon. Them's the beans. Stage 4 Cancer. Unable to reproduce. They stuck KIDS for CRYING OUT LOUD!!! How EVIL IS THAT?

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