NOTES - Sharing the Gospel ENG Chinese Pinyin - Part 4A

2 months ago

NOTES - Sharing the Gospel in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin - PART 4A
(Grace through faith, not by good works)
For by grace you have been saved through faith -
Nǐ déjiù shì kào ēndiǎn, píng xìnxīn
Ephesians 2:8-9 / Yǐ fú suǒ shū 2:8-9 / 以弗所书 2:8-9

nǐ 你 you
dé 得 get, gain, obtain
jiù 救 (verb) rescue, save, help, relieve
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
kào 靠 depend on, rely on
ēndiǎn 恩典 favour, grace
píng 凭 rely on, be based on
xìn 信 (verb) believe, trust
xīn 心 heart
xìnxīn 信心 confidence, faith

and this is not from yourselves,
zhè bùshì chū yú nǐ zìjǐ,

zhè 这 this
bùshì 不是 not
chū 出 to go out
yú 于 [preposition]
chūyú 出于 (verb) start from
nǐ 你 you
zì 自 (pronoun) oneself, one’s own
jǐ 己 (noun) oneself, one’s own
zìjǐ 自己 (pronoun) oneself
nǐ zìjǐ 你自己 yourself
chū yú nǐ zìjǐ 出于你自己 of one’s own self (of one’s own accord)

it is the gift of God – not by works ..
ér shì Shén de lǐwù; yě bùshì yóuyú nǐ de xíngwéi ..
而是神的礼物; 也不是由于你们的行为 ..

ér 而 [similar to “but” or “yet”]
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
Shén 神 God
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
lǐ 礼 (noun) gift, present
wù 物 (noun) thing, matter
lǐwù 礼物 (noun) gift, present
yě 也 also, too, as well, [indicating concession]
bùshì 不是 not
yóu 由 by, to, through, from
yú 于 [preposition]
yóuyú 由于 (preposition) due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result of
xíng 行 behaviour
wéi 为 do, act, act as, become,
xíngwéi 行为 (noun) behaviour, conduct, action
bùshì yóuyú nǐ de xíngwéi 不是由于你们的行为 not because of your behaviour/conduct/action
We cannot be saved by doing good works
Zuò shànshì bìng bùnéng zhěngjiù wǒmen
zuò 做 do
shàn 善 good; good deed
shì 事 matter, affair, thing
shànshì 善事 good deeds
bìng 并 (not) at all [used before a negative for emphasis]
bù 不 no, not
néng 能 can, be able to
bùnéng 不能 cannot
zhěng 拯 (verb) save, rescue, deliver
jiù 救 (verb) rescue, save, help, relieve
zhěngjiù 拯救 (verb) save, rescue, deliver
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us

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