Modern Syndromes like Freshman Year Mono After Required Vaccines

1 month ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Alix Mayer: I also want to introduce a category that I call modern syndromes, which I feel are also caused by vaccines. Because most modern syndromes, you know, they have the word syndrome in them. And I know so many anecdotal stories about how somebody had vaccines and they got one of these syndromes. So I'm going to try to characterize how big this is. I'm going to name some of them: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also called mono, almost a half percent of the population. Fibromyalgia syndrome, 2% Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I see that after vaccines all the time also. And by the way, I see mono and chronic fatigue often after vaccines. In fact, when kids get mono freshman year in college, what did they get in the summer before they went back to college, they weren't kissing any more than they were in high school. They're still kissing. It's not that! They got vaccines before they went to college, and that's why kids get mono freshman year, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS Syndrome, again, postural orthostatic tachycardia. POTS syndrome, we know that happens after vaccines. That's 2% of the population. Mast Cell Activation syndrome, 17% of people. I couldn't believe that was so high, Eihlers-Danlos Syndrome.

Judy Mikovits, PhD: You know why? There's no such thing as mast cell activation! You're being poisoned at the blood brain barrier.

11/06/2024 - Dr. Judy's Book Club with special guest Alix Mayer, founder of the Free Now Foundation, sharing her presentation: UNVACCINATED YOU?

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