Upper Linville River Whitewater in Aire Spud (Post Hurricane Helene)

2 months ago

Put in was at Hwy 221 in Pineola and take out at the pull off spot at Harmon Bridge Highwater. I’m not sure the best water level reference, but the USGS gage that is far downstream was at 2.3 ft and slowly rising. I’d consider this perhaps the minimum or maybe 2.5 ft to not get hung up in a few places. I’m not the first to paddle this section, but as I understand, it is not run often. It ended up being everything I had hoped for. Pretty scenery for the most part, but lots of debris were seen along the banks. About a mile and a half in was the most difficult portion where it seems as if you are entering a mini gorge. Lots of technical turns and higher gradient before things mellow out again. My phone died before I got to the dam, but after that point things are fairly consistent class 2/2+ rapids, so a bit easier than the “mini gorge” portion of the run, but still entertaining.

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