Korero Mai Whistle Blowers News - Reflections 2024

2 months ago

This is an update of alternate media news & investigations reports from Aotearoa New Zealand. RangiMarie Maori Justice Office of Lady Justice Research & Maori Battalion Military Intelligence are reporting what's happening locally, nationally, internationally. Reflecting on major news 2024 & future affairs. Other reports from The Peoples voice:
USA Senator John Kennedy passes 'Unclaimed Savings Bond Act. To allow all those who have had their births & Marriages certificates registered to wall st under the company ' Her majesty the queen in right of New Zealand - scam federal UN company of bank robbers-gold diggers & grave robbers, raiding our Sovereign Bonds Estates with IMF-WB & Bank for International Settlements. We must make contact with to recover our stolen billions!
Telegram: https://t.me/LitesOfTheRoundTableTV/6508
Youtube $38Billion in Treasury Bonds USA Senator John Kennedy reports - how much of this money is NZers & Australians Sovereign Bonds? The federal govt treasury has been lying to the people! Are the police-law & medical society & politicians hiding a genocide to raid these Sovereign Bonds? The answer is Yes! Are they wanting Death certificates to steal Identities-forge signatures-steal bank accounts-make people homeless-starved-induced vulnerable & CLAIM POWER OF ATTOURNEY to raid your wealth at a time 3rd Recession govt bankruptcy brokeasses! Wake up people!:
White Collared Crime had escalated 500% breaching 90% of the Crimes act 1961. This confirms to me why I have been attacked by rogue police-lawyers-judges of Tauranga District Courthouse, arresting me 35x as one of the Biggest Landowners of Sovereign Bonds in Bay of Plenty. As the great great grand daughter of the 1st Maori King Tawhiao Potatau TeWheroWhero. I need an American Lawyer or Senator to sue these bludgers.
Justice is Coming!
Update Feb 2025: I'm seeking Dual Citizenship to USA, and would appreciate support to move there for a seasonal, and I need an American Lawyer to sue the rogue Tauranga police, police prosecutions - rumored to be influenced by Kamala Harris & Honeywell, also corrupt Tauranga district court, after endiring 35x police arrests by sting operations. I want to sue them $30million damages. NZ is a disaster of Demoiac Evil. I would appreciate hearing from you, contact 01202932474. The pedophile Gestapo deep state has taken my bank account, driver's license, car, lands, resorces estates & children. Corruption at the highest levels of witch craft.
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