Why is he/she so stingy? (In spirit or resources) ~ EFT tapping with Kallista

2 months ago

This video is for Educational (informative) purposes. Please take full responsibility for your own well-being. Please partake only to the degree with which you are fully comfortable, and practice appropriate self care. If you are undergoing physical or emotional stress or discomfort, please seek out and utilize the appropriate professionals as required.

The speed can be adjusted by going into 'settings', (gear wheel) and increasng or slowing down the speed so it plays at your prefered pace.

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For a complete list of my EFT videos - http://kallista.ca/eft-videos/

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The benefits available by tapping varies based on a variety of issues, including; person, issue, competency of practitioner, time addressing the issue, etcetera. I cannot promise you any benefits as people do not respond the same way. While numerous; MDs, PhDs, coaches, and consultants are recommending and utilizing EFT, different people require different care based on a variety of variables. Although extremely, if extreme comfort arises, please consult the appropriate practitioner or your local emergency service (including dialing 911 or 999 or 1120, ) if you are not able to manage any discomfort that you are feeling.

To clear deeper issues may require repeated viewings, and or utilizing multiple videos that can address the issue from multiple angles, if you cannot work directly with an EFT practitioner in a 1-1 format or via a group workshop.

Wishing you peace and many blessings.



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