There was no thunder during Helene. That's not possible.

2 months ago

I honestly didn't think about it till recently. If there was lightning, there must be thunder. So what is this? Another chance at guessing, I guess.
Number 1. I can't think of a possible physical reason. You can see the lightning is up close and personal. It isn't so far off you can't hear it. I'm live in Florida. Lightning strike capital of the US. When there is lightning like in this video, it will scare you like nothing else everytime it thunders then hits something. You will never hear anything louder. I doubt. Terrifying isn't a good enough word.
Number 2. Yeah, number 1 didn't answer anything and neither does number 2. But, if it isn't a physical phenom(the lightning that night), then what? That is definitely a question worth pondering. I have been thinking a little. But it is take a little more to be convinced. But,
Psalm 77:18 NASB20 — The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; The lightning lit up the world; The earth trembled and shook.
There is one being who wants to be God.
A copycat of sorts. Only his stuff isn't the real deal. An imitation never as good as the real. And we can see his imitations daily.

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