if There's #STH I have #Forgotten to Say/Do & I Need to, Tell me❗

2 months ago

I don't like Naming Things & I recommend You don't Watch/Listen I'm too intense, You Know! Ain't I !??? And...
I Have not forgotten Anything, Right!? (most Likely not!) or Have I !??? I don't have Memory Problems! or Maybe I'm just way too #fuckedUp & #fuckedOver it's #memoryOverLoad or something! Just... a Little Help Would be Nice! and Look ---> All these Other Platforms Keep Treating My Like I'm a #Turd & they Just Removed My Videos for No Reason from Tick-Tock or some #otherSHITHappens ! Goddammit... Anyways... --->

Hi Everyone! What's up!? this video would be a very nice combination of the following files taking like 12.3 GB (13,290,321,341 bytes) space on my disk now! I Mean This --->
VID_20241228_144408.mp4 = 105 Megabytes
VID_20241228_144558.mp4 = 5.16 GB
VID_20241228_161922.mp4 = 6.67 GB
VID_20241228_182152.mp4 = 437 Megabytes
Which I Turned into a 11:11 (I'm #kind_of_trying to make a joke out of this very serious situation !!! or maybe not... who cares !??? do you!? Anyways...) Alright ---> 2 hours and 9 mins and 13 seconds long ! --->
it's #not_The_Whole_Day's #Movie = My 2024-12-28 #144408 to #182152 #andMore =➕➕#orWhatever.mp4 = 1.33 Gigabyte(s) Well... Looks Good At Least ! Right !? You can Leave me a Comment or Two ✌
I'm Gonna Type Down Some Hashtags Now... Now = 1:08 AM 2024-12-29 Wow Look At How Much Time I spent Typing These Things I won't go above 8 though ! Whatever.... Here We Go :

#onlyIfEveroneDidThisSimpleThingWeWouldntHaveShitToHideorWorryAbout #ivenothingtoHide #iHaveNoFearOfAnything #butYouCanCauseFuckedUpStates #dontTakePrideinCausingMeDisturbancesSometimes #deyMovie #fullDayMovie #theLawofTruth #forTheLawsofASHA #forTheASHAVAN #ASHAVAN #theWayofRighteousNessisJustOneWayAndThatisTheRightWaytoDoThingsAndMore #theresAlwaysMore

Message Me ---> t.me/rezatadious or yet better on fb messenger to ---> https://www.facebook.com/Reza.TDS/ ---> because these days I'm way too focused on fixing myself & everything on a physical level, You don't see me fooling around online here & there also because of the things you will perhaps see in the videos I had to use my other phone to record this one with !!! ---> Hardware issues !!! & I need Storage Devices !!! & Help ! & Just let the Videos do the Speaking ! I won't, therefore, type more in here!

1:24 AM 2024-12-29 ✅ ☓ ✅

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