JUAN O SAVIN- the BIG PELOSKI? It sure looks like that! -NINO 12 26 2024

2 months ago

Have a sense of humor here. This is not going well for the Deep State HACKS led by Nancy who thought she could pull off the biggest HEIST in HISTORY! She got away with the money but will she be able to "cover her tracks?" We are on to them now! We know what happened on J6 we know how they interfered with the Election and as NINO points out ELECTION INTERFERENCE is an ACT OF TREASON. So now interestingly enough she is out of the COUNTRY. We have been on to this CON ARTIST for a LONG TIME. Nancy Pelosi is a known infiltrator to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT since JFK was in the Whitehouse.
Sources tell me Nancy Pelosi will remain in Europe after surgery on her hip until she can find a country with no extradition treaty that will take her as Biden sends word that there will be NO pre-emptive pardon from him. Details in this report:
Q Drop 3767 FIVE YEAR DELTA "Understand?"
Dec 28, 2019 4:02:40 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ccdcea No. 7645614
Easy to understand?
Q Drop 3758 FIVE YEAR DELTA "Follow the Family"
Dec 27, 2019 11:26:04 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a902c6 No. 7638553
They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.
Good people in place.

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