DIVINE Orthodox & Catholic Sacred Harmonies

1 month ago

00:00 - 05:49 Holy God - Credo Chamber Choir
05:49 - 18:09 Gregorian Psalm 90/91 - Harpa Dei
18:09 - 24:35 Soothing Orthodox Chant (First Part of Polyeleos)
24:35 - 28:16 Let My Prayer Arise - Unknown
28:16 - 34:03 La gloire de St Benoît - Antienne et Magnificat Exsultet omnium - Choeur des moines de l'abbaye Notre Dame de Fontgombault
34:03 - 45:53 Lament for the Fall of Constantinople (Psalm 79) (Live) - Alexander Lingas
45:54 - 51:40 AVE MARIA - Gregorian Chant of the Annunciation - Harpa Dei
51:40 - 1:06:16 Le Chant des Templiers VIII. Antiphona Salve Regina - Ensemble Organum
1:06:16 - 1:14:06 Old Roman chant - Dominus regnavit - Callixtus
1:14:06 - 1:22:45 Gregorian chant - Deum verum - Callixtus
1:22:45 - 1:28:30 Chant of the Templars - Honor Virtus et Potestas - Callixtus
1:28:30 - 1:38:30 Codex Calixtinus - Dum esset Salvator in Monte - Callixtus
1:38:30 - 1:40:54 Fr. Jeremiah of Decanin (a blind monk) chanting the Cherubic hymn - Orthodox Christian Chants
1:40:54 - 1:46:48 Compostela Ad vesperas Sancti Iacobi XI. Benedicamus Domino Deo Gracias - Ensemble Organum
1:46:48 - 1:52:16 Gothic chant - École de Notre-Dame Benedicamus Domino - Callixtus
1:52:16 - 1:54:33 VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS (COME HOLY SPIRIT - Gregorian chant to the Holy Spirit) - Harpa Dei
1:54:33 - 1:59:39 REQUIEM AETERNAM - Gregorian Chant for the poor souls - Harpa Dei
1:59:39 - 2:05:06 Anonymous - Alleluia, Behold the Bridegroom - HARMONICO101
2:05:06 - 2:10:27 Versa est in luctum - Lobo - Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short - Tenebrae Choir
2:10:27 - 2:32:48 Psalmul 136 Muzică veche creștină, pentru rugăciune, studiu, odihnă, somn3Daudio - Muzica veche crestina
2:32:48 - 2:39:38 Nordic Chamber Choir - O Magnum Mysterium (M. Lauridsen) - GP Eleria
2:39:38 - 2:47:07 Old Roman chant - Inveni David servum meum - Callixtus
2:47:07 - 2:58:10 Byzantine chant Cherubic Hymn_ Χερουβικός ύμνος - (Lyric Video) - Adoration of the Cross
2:58:10 - 3:06:02 Hymn of the Cherubim (Excerpt) - Release

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