This J6, Karma is on Tap

2 months ago

This J6, Karma is on Tap

Unburdened by what once was?

We’re going to be treated to more slanders slurs and innuendos because that is all the left has. There’s a reason they just stuffed Kamala in there and ground ruled everyone else out. They can’t run on policies and that’s why Kamala’s were almost cut and paste from Trump page. Like I said we needed to create our own uniparty to toss out the old one. It happened. The new members were the intelligent democrats that were all shafted by the DNC. The DNC needs a new logo. This is my offering.

It was Dec 5th as I started to write this. Congress was meeting to discuss agendas, but Barry Sotero AKA Barack Hussein Obama the Marxist molester of our youth’s minds was doing a forum on our Democracy. Interesting title since we’re a constitutional republic. Make note of the age group in this advertisement for the event.
I’m sure you noticed that everything criminal or wrong Obama mentioned in that ad was what his party was guilty of doing. There is one thing that is very important to practicing Marxists and that is generating a false consensus by accusing their intended victim of committing the crimes they’re planning or actually committing. It is accomplished through false narratives and mindless slogans. If they can capture the minds of our youth again they can recreate the zombie love cult that gave us Obama’s first term. Remember what his followers were like? That was when people first started going nuts if you didn’t agree with them completely. I saw it on the highway many times. Catty men, shaking fists and losing it in a rage. I had some great bumper stickers back then. If someone supported Obama, any conversation with them led to a discussion regarding how wonderful he was. That was why it was a riot to hear them say I was the one in a cult simply because I knew that with Biden ‘The lights are on but nobody’s home’ Biden was Obama’s avatar for a third term. It was a train wreck just like his first two terms. He did accomplish a lot for his agenda however. Using COVID-19 as an excuse, a lot of extra (relief) money was printed to hide a tanking economy as he Cloward Pivened us into the ground. We haven’t seen the full impact of that yet, but we must remember this because it will have an impact. We will have to remind the Millennials and Gen Z’s that got us over the top in this election that this is why things are getting dicey. I can guarantee you that they will be in the very near future. Obama will as usual try to blame Trump for rising costs.

Millennials were the largest group in the U.S. in 2023, with an estimated population of 72.7 million. They were born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials recently surpassed Baby Boomers as the biggest group, and will continue to be a major part of the population for many years.

This age group is about 43 to 28 yrs old now. This is a group that had no idea what real racism was like. They missed all of that. They most importantly couldn’t see that Obama as a Saul Alinsky follower was working very hard to bring racism back. Since they had no context for Obamas agitprop BS, it was just Tuesday to them.

When Obama got into office the older segment was 27. The younger end was only 12 This is the group Obama is targeting again.

Government over reach was well on it’s way and established by the time Obama was sworn in. Nixon created the EPA. Jimmy Carter created the Department of education and the decline was like an eighty foot bungee jump with a two hundred foot cord. He also established the year of the child, gave away the Panama Canal or shall I say scheduled it and let a bunch of radicals in Iran kick our butts out of their country. (That’s why it is stupid to back a tyrant just because you can control them. It’s indefensible.) Fortunately, he was a one term president. I’m sure he has nothing but gratitude for the fact that Biden stole his title of ‘Sucked the Most’. He, like Biden was a one term president. Clinton was quite a piece of work as well. By the time he left office the ATF in a supposed attempt to do the good work of Social Services invaded Waco to protect the children there and burnt the place to the ground killing just about everybody. The Panama Canal was taken over by the CCP in spite of the Panamanian government begging us to stay. The EPA also had a swat team and used it a few times. Nobody was surprised, that was expected the moment he outlawed certain firearms.

As the bureaucracies are finally scaled back to their original intent scale and purpose or dismantled completely, remember this pattern that will play out many times and places in our near future. We will need to in order to counter the heartrending leftist BS narratives yet again.

In the 80's Reagan had scaled back budgets for many agencies to dole out, with the intent of getting the fraud out of the system. A woman down the road from us was furious when someone she knew in Poplarville had her benefits cut completely. That woman was confined to a wheelchair and had no family to help her. In that same town there was more than one person who was still scamming the system, and their benefits weren’t cut. Who did she blame? Reagan. I told her to elevate the issue. Reagan didn’t do it. This was caused by a lowlife bureaucrat protecting their friends. She was a local having lived there her entire life and we had just arrived. She elevated it.

As I said that same pattern will soon play out a lot. We have to chip away locally to make certain we fix it. We’ve all seen enough of fake rage cases the left made up where the Roe V Wade decision was blamed for things doctors did that were either malpractice or just plain stupid. Both were actionable and should be acted on.

Oh and about the elections.
I was floored at the dummies that couldn’t believe that 15 million people didn’t bother to vote in this election. As this graph plainly shows they never existed. Finally, America wins again and this time the media, bureaucrats, medical experts, environmental wackos and pervs really lose.
Also 2025 is starting off quite nicely. January first 2025 is a Wednesday sooo, Thursday and Friday. Then we have a nice weekend off and on Monday, the person who became VP because of the cheat, has to certify the election she lost!!!!

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