Temple 420 Sabbath Sesh - 14 - Maccabees 1

1 month ago

Bro Chapin, CraigX and Charlie read though Maccabees 1 and discuss the time and reign of Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek king of the Seleucid Empire who reigned over Syria from 175 BC until 164 BC how he took over nations and infiltrated Isreal. We welcome you to join us, take what we say for consideration and seek out the God of the Bible! We're open in interpretation of God and respect to each other, unless you have NO side at all you'll find some disagreement! We encourage you to have it and SEEK OUT THE TRUTH AND Yahweh! The Almighty Creator! Find more on Temple420.org Discord - https://discord.gg/aWSg6EpzNA or Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/share/g/18odC1Uiv7/ - We're always open for discussion and study. We're to learn together Test the Word and learn. Also check out - Personal pages of CraigX and Charlie - Craig - (16) Pastor Craig X - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@pastorcraigx7492 Charlie Doff - (17) A420BibleStudy - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@a420biblestudy4

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