This Year, U.S. Must Re-Declare Independence From Britain

2 months ago

As we enter the new year, all patriotic, enlightened citizens of this nation should resolve to implement the required policy concepts which will prevent the United States from destroying itself and others as the result of lunatic military and imperial policies which have crept into our policy making institutions since Winston Churchill’s post-1945 influence on the “little” successor to FDR, Harry Truman. This British influence was acknowledged by former U.S. Secretary of State and self-admitted British agent of influence Henry Kissinger in his speech to London’s Chatham House on May 10, 1982:

“In my period in office, the British played a seminal part in certain American bilateral negotiations with the Soviet Union—indeed, they helped draft the key document. In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department—a practice which, with all affection for things British, I would not recommend be made permanent. But it was symptomatic…”

The policies which have resulted in the NATO-Russian war in Ukraine, the war in Southwest Asia, and the toppling of Assad’s regime in Syria, are all devious products of the British “Great Game” mindset which aims to divide and conquer certain regions which could otherwise act as crucial development corridors linking nearly every continent on the planet in a massive World Landbridge project, as has been the policy of Lyndon LaRouche and his wife Helga since the late 1990s.

Today’s Manhattan Project, the last before the New Year, will focus mainly on tracing the British origin and continued dominance of U.S. foreign policy since 1945, beginning with a historical overview of “Operation Unthinkable,” the 1945 British military plan to preemptively launch a surprise attack to “impose the will of the United States and the British Empire” on the Soviet Union. EIR researcher Richard Freeman will join us to give that report, along with other presentations by UK Column editor Mike Robinson and TLO spokesman Harley Schlanger.

Speakers: Richard Freeman, Harley Schlanger, and Mike Robinson

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