Episode #164: A Prophecy Fulfilled? W/Ann Hatch

2 months ago

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A few weeks back I had a conversation with my friend Ann Hatch and we were talking about things that were going on in the world and what it could all mean. Now I am not a guy who likes to play the game “pin the tail on the apocalypse” but I do think that there are ways that maybe we can gauge where we are by things that are given to us in scripture. Ann had said she had recently read a book that gave her some context for some recent events in Israel and mentioned she might want to talk about it on the podcast. So today she joins me as we talk about what happened in Israel on October 3rd 2023, and if it is possible that a prophecy was fulfilled on that day. We talk about what that prophecy is and what its significance could be for the world at large and us as individuals.

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