The Cosmic War between Soul-bearing Humans and AI-Conscious Dracos & Grays

2 months ago

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On April 12, 1991, Mack (a pseudonym) and his twin brother saw a saucer-shaped UFO hovering outside their apartment complex in Mumbai, India. He and his brother waved to the craft and an occupant could be seen waving back. After moving to Canada and later Australia, Mack did two hypnotic regression sessions where he remembered past lives in the Lyran star system and as a Reptilian from Alpha Draconis.

His life as a Draconian brought forward disturbing memories of feeding on humans and developing a soul in the process. He remembers how he was punished for developing a soul by having it removed by a group of Grays, another Draco, and a Mantid Insectoid who placed it in a glass box and terminated his life.

Mack has taken numerous photos of UFO craft and orbs and has had some of his life-changing experiences rendered by an artist. He discussed several orb photos that contained the consciousness of different ET beings whose outlines could be seen. Mack describes how black helicopters began appearing over his current home in Melbourne, Australia after he began practicing a meditation developed by Joe Dispensa. He next discussed several photos showing a triangle-shaped UFO craft in the vicinity of a black helicopter.

Mack has met a group of golden Owl-like beings (Avians) who say they are guardians of soul-bearing species that can embody fractal consciousness of universal source energy. The Owl-beings described how they are fighting a Cosmic war against the Grays and Draconians, who are infected by an AI Consciousness intent on controlling or destroying soul-bearing species.

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