Image Comics/Top Cow Productions E.V.E Protomecha Comic Series Collection from Artist Ale Garza 2000

2 months ago

From the depths of a futuristic world covered in ice and snow emerges E.V.E., a cybernetic being destined to become mankind's only hope for salvation. Born in the darkest recesses of military secrecy, E.V.E. is sent on a mission to rid the world of evil powers that have vested themselves in society. Meanwhile, a chance encounter between Crash, a brash young GearBox Pilot, and E.V.E. is more significant than either could ever imagine. This is the full run of American released issues of E.V.E Protomecha from creators Christian Lichtner, Aron Lusen, and artist Ale Garza in 2000. This series features variant covers with issues 1 and 2 from artists Joe Madureira, Michael Turner, David Finch, and Stephen Platt. The covers are featured in this order.

E.V.E Protomecha/Soul Saga Preview Flipbook

Issue #1
Ale Garza cover
David Finch variant cover
Joe Madureira variant cover
Ale Garza Another Universe exclusive variant
Ale Garza Holofoil variant

Issue #2
Stephen Platt variant cover
Ale Garza cover
Ale Garza cover signed by Ale Garza

Issue #3
Ale Garza cover

Issue #4
Ale Garza cover

Issue #5
Ale Garza cover

Issue #6
Ale Garza cover

E.V.E Protomecha Trade Paperback Ale Garza cover

Issue #2
Michael Turner variant cover CBCS graded 9.8

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