CNN's Van Jones Finally Realizes Corporate Media Is Replaced

2 months ago

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

What about Van Jones, Farron? You've got Van Jones saying mainstream media is the fringe now. ABC, CBS, NBC, they're the fringe because media has really moved towards social media because they can't get news. You cannot get real news off of cable news anymore. Pick it up.
Yeah. I love this story because Van Jones is correct about that, except he's mad about it. He doesn't want that to be the case. He wants people to go back to CNN, tune into us. He's whining about how podcasters and YouTubers are getting more views every day than CNN. Well, don't be mad about it. Look at the reasons why. Right. Why are people turning to podcasts? Why are they turning to YouTube and these independent outlets? And the answer is because they are independent. They're not tuning in to get a watered down version of somebody's opinion of the news of the day, which is what you get on CNN.
The point, to me, that I think is important part of the story though, he's saying that's why we had a disconnect in the last election.
I agree.
He said that's why they didn't understand what Democrats were talking about because Democrats didn't appear on podcasts. They didn't go to Joe. At the same time you got Trump and you got Vance all over podcasts, all over social media. And he says, we really dropped the ball. It was a total disconnect for the Democratic party because we didn't participate in any of this. He said, this is the way everything is going. Mainstream media is now the fringe. I mean, that's really where he has gone. They don't deliver the news anymore. And if you think that you're not part of it, test yourself. If you can turn on The View and you can watch The View for more than five minutes, probably you have fallen into that dinosaur way of thinking, believing that's important. But the point is, after this last election, how can you ever stand back and say that corporate mainstream media has any influence on what Americans are thinking? Go try that. I call it the View test. Go watch that and if you're watching that and you're saying, oh my God, that's making good sense to me, you're a dinosaur. Something's wrong with your ability to critically think. And that's what Van is saying, isn't he?
Yeah. And look, I do agree that CNN is a dying animal. It has been dying this very slow, painful, horrific death almost for many years now, losing viewers month after month after month. And the problem is Van Jones can point out the problems. That's wonderful. A lot of us can do that. But you guys aren't looking at why this is happening. You're just saying, a problem exists and I'm mad about it. Well, that's great. That's step one. Step two, figure out why the hell it's happening. Realize who you're working for, Van Jones, because you're not working for CNN. You're working for the pharmaceutical industry.
That's right.
You're working for the defense industry.
I was just gonna say.
Those are your bosses, not whoever it is that's sitting at the top of CNN any given month. The bosses are the corporations out there screwing over everybody else.
Well, I had, you remember this, when I was doing MSNBC a few times a week just as a commentator, the number of times where there would be an important story. One story I think of is I wanted to do a story on the fact that this particular kind of wood that was being manufactured was soaked with arsenic. Okay. And the people making the wood wanted to take the wood and make it into children's playground equipment. So a lawsuit was brought in saying, get all this stuff off of the playgrounds. It's dangerous. And I remember going on to the air and telling that story. And the next day I get a note where I have to go back and apologize. Well, you remember what I said? It began with a middle finger, and so, but that was coming from corporate. Right?
That's coming from upstairs. That little dwarf, whatever his name is, Griffin, whatever his name. Griffin's making these calls and telling his people what they must do. Report this, this is what you must report.

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