2 months ago

Video: GodsSoldiersministry - Article: Daily Mail: 'One woman in New Jersey said she became so sick it felt like she was 'coughing up my lung', while a second in New York City said her blocked sinuses must be because of the drones over Staten Island. DailyMail.com heard from another New Jersey resident who said they had developed a stuffy nose and swollen runny eyes after the drones flew over their home. But doctors told DailyMail.com after reviewing the symptoms that it was 'extremely unlikely' these sicknesses were linked to the drones. They pointed out it was now the start of flu season and other illnesses like Covid, RSV and norovirus become more common around this time.'

People's reports come as unexplained drone sightings have mounted throughout the Northeast, which have been spotted over military bases and airports in recent weeks. The FBI, White House and officials from other agencies have said there is no evidence the drones pose a threat to public safety. An official from the FBI added: 'I think there has been a slight over-reaction.'

Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas added: 'If there is any reason for concern, if we identify any foreign involvement or criminal activity, we will communicate with the American public accordingly.' In one case, a woman in the tri-state area posted about her illness on TikTok with the caption: 'I'm not saying it has anything to do with the drones, but I'm also not NOT saying it has anything to do with the drones.' In the video, she said: 'Do you live in the tri-state area and are you sick like me? My sickness started out as pains like everywhere, my entire body hurt, my hair hurt... and then it just kept morphing into different stages. I had the water works dripping from my nose where I went through two boxes of tissues in as many days, where all I could do was kinda go from the couch to the bed and back again... and then we moved on to the stuffed up sinuses.'

In another video posted yesterday, Andrea — an artist in New York City's Lower East Side — also linked her illness to the drones. 'I'm sick with this sinus congestion because of the drones over New Jersey and Staten Island, it's pretty close to here. I think that's what it is. 'Every night I am feeling worse and worse, and last night was like the worst night of them all, and it turns out the drones were shooting, they were shooting, I think that's what caused my sinus infection.'

And in a third video that New Jersey resident Shawna posted, she said: 'Anyone else really [expletive] sick and coughing up a lung right before Christmas and it didn't start happening until the drones showed up?' Illnesses tend to surge around this time of year because of a mixture of people staying indoors more to beat the cold and mixing more over the Christmas and New Year periods. Latest surveillance suggests about 5.4 percent of Covid tests were detecting the virus in the week to December 7, up from the 3.9 percent a month ago. Hospitalizations for flu-like illness are also rising, up 14 percent to 3.3 percent of patient admissions in the week to December 7 compared to 2.9 percent two weeks beforehand according to data. And there are also similar upticks being detected in cases of RSV and norovirus.
READ MORE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-14201453/New-Jersey-residents-suffering-alarming-symptoms-drone-surge.html

Video Source: GodsSoldiersministry

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