Apatros Review Ep-0120: 001LithiumX [2020] ("LX2048")

1 month ago

AR-0120: In my final review for 2024, I check out a rather pretentious dystopian dramady about a future world hit by severe solar activity where mankind has to stay indoors during the daytime, but have perfected cloning to enable them to make clones with UV-proof skin, although they reserve these clones for those who have earned the right to be cloned...

...what earns you the right to have a clone continue your life after you've cashed in your life chips, you ask?

Well, in this dystopian world, all you have to do is to raise three biological children and you'll unlock the "Premium 3" insurance policy, enabling you or your spouse to get their dead spouse cloned in case of their death.

Pretty sweet deal, eh?

Our protagonist is a bloke who is a tech wiz, but his nasty ex-wife chose to keep them recognised as married [she failed to update their paperwork] so she doesn't lose out on getting his clone [I forgot to mention that each clone can be modified to remove any bad biological or character traits], but she doesn't like having her original version of a hubby around because he chose to use a VR girlfriend [which is connected to the ugliest sex-doll I have ever seen] because she doesn't fulfil her duty as a wife. The nasty wifey decides to try to kill her hubby off or at least pass him off as dead by forcing him to have himself declared legally dead, but the plan has some complications...

Man, this was one seriously pretentious movie, coupled with jokes that don't work, a waste of a prime dystopian setting and one of the most retarded titles I have ever seen [the film's original title is "001LithiumX" but it was issued in Australia as "LX2048", which is slightly better, but still stupid]. That being said, the basic premise is interesting and hopefully someone can do it justice one day [just don't hold your breath...].

My Grade: D [Bad]

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