Inmate’s Fatal Beating Shows Him Handcuffed as Correctional Officers Punch and Kick Him.

2 months ago

Body-Cam Footage of Inmate’s Fatal Beating Shows Him Handcuffed as Correctional Officers Punch and Kick Him.

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Officers involved were wearing body cameras but did not activate them, so the cameras did not record audio of the incident.

On December 9, Mr. Brooks was transferred from Mohawk Correctional Facility to Marcy Correctional Facility, both in Oneida County. Brooks, who was handcuffed with his hands behind his back, was then taken to a medical examination room where the events captured in the video took place. Mr. Brooks was then transported to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead in the early morning hours of December 10.

Brooks, 43, had been serving a 12-year prison sentence since 2017 for first-degree assault, prison documents show.

#RobertBrooks #cops #police #crime #inmate #beating #policia #viral

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