She's a Punk Rocker U.K. (Directed by Zillah Minx).

1 month ago

------------------------------------------------------------She's A Punk Rocker U.K is a documentary that tells the story directly from the punk women who created the Punk scene in the UK. These are the punk women on the streets of the UK. Before the Sex Pistols appeared on TV and revealed an underground punk world, to the public. These are the women punks who shocked the world. This is their story of being punk told in an oral history format.
The lives of these women is an insight into female punk rock a culture that has been greatly misunderstood and misrepresented in the media. Their stories explore the experiences of being a punk rocker, life stories, gigs, fashion, music, Politics, friends, relationships & events. The women to a varying extent agree that today they are still punk rockers at heart, if not in appearance.
The present media interest in punk rock is a male-dominated vision of the era. This documentary specifically reassesses women's roles in a dynamic movement that irreversibly changed the face of society, politics, art and music. Crass women Eve Libertine & Gee Vachour, Vi Subversa - Poison Girls, Michelle-Brigandage. Caroline Coon and many others reveal life as Anarchist punks.
Featuring women punk rockers from bands of the era including Poly Styrene of X-Ray Spex,
Vi Subversa of Poison Girls, Eve Libertine & Gee of Crass, Gaye Black of the Adverts, Michelle of Brigandage, Ruth & Janet of Hagar the Womb, Journalists Authors and photographers Julie Burchill and Caroline Coon and many more. Neil Spencer, editor of NME gave Caroline's recently released book '1988 the New Wave, Punk Rock Explosion' a terrible review on the grounds that 'Caroline Coon was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and therefore she cannot write about punk'.
He subsequently would not let her write for NME and so she became a journalist and wrote for Melody Maker as she was an artist, journalist, founder of UK charity 'RELEASE' & hung out with The Sex Pistols, Slits, Clash and all the British Punk bands of 1976.
Punk band X-Ray Spex fronted by vocalist Poly Styrene was causing a scene of their own in the King's Road. Poly Styrene with her bodyguard Mad Mary hung out with the Sex Pistols, Billy Idol, Sid & Nancy. They were all just punks hanging out, some in bands, some in the audience soon to be in bands. Then came the fame, then the Anarchy. Crass women, Eve Libertine & Gee, Vi Subversa - Poison Girls, Michelle Brigandage, Zillah Minx- Rubella Ballet, Ruth Radish Hagar The Womb and many others reveal life as an Anarchist punk.

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