Divine✝️protection|plots&plans😈|YOUR transformation🦋

2 months ago

Hi Babes! 👋🏾 I hope you've had a good day today! 🥰 here is a Love💛 reading for you. I also have uploaded a reading to my other rumble(spiritualmommy) as well! ☺️ also, just as an F.Y.I....I have recently decided to brush up on my French and, Egyptian! 🥐 I started speaking/learning as a teenager, then stopped because I had no one to speak it with 🫤😔 I was literally learning and, speaking to myself in my bedroom 😩🤷🏾‍♀️ anyway, as I am re-learning, I may use a word or two OR a sentence while recording. Hopefully, this isn't a problem! Later Babes! 👋🏾

Originally recorded 12-27-24 📹

This is a GENERAL reading! Remember to take ONLY what resonates and, to LEAVE the rest for the NEXT! Also, this can be the past, the present OR the future! Flip and, switch the signs/roles/genders as You see fit! Later babes! 😘

🏳️‍for entertainment purposes *ONLY*‼️
🚩this video was created for ages 1️⃣8️⃣+
This video may scare You‼️ 💀
watch at YOUR OWN risk‼️ 🫣
Rated-R for language‼️ 🤐

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