Twoex: Overcoming Reality|EP 2: Overnight Change|

2 months ago

Episode 1:

Twoex: Overcoming Reality tells many stories from many different characters lives. Together we will see how each Twoe deal with the many hardships of life. The plot may look confusing but the more we see the more we comprehend.

the first episode was published Nov 1, 2020. That is a long time ago. However, I promise the wait for episode 3 will not take nearly as long. with my new equipment things should go much smoother. I will stream my process of animating this series and no one will be left in the dark about the whereabouts of this project anymore! please follow my journey as I multi stream to Rumble and Twitch.
consider joining my patreon:
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to be added to the credits of my animations and to help fund the project!

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