NOTES - Sharing the Gospel ENG Chinese Pinyin - Part 3D

1 month ago

NOTES - Sharing the Gospel in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin - PART 3D
(Jesus is risen)
Jesus died for our sins but He is risen!
Yēsū wèi wǒmen de zuì ér sǐ dànshì tā fùhuóle!
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
wèi 为 for
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us
wèi wǒmen 为我们 for us
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after a verb as an attribute]
wǒmen de 我们的 our
zuì 罪 (noun) sin, guilt, crime
wèi wǒmen de zuì 为我们的罪 for our sins
ér 而 [connect cause and effect; aim and means of action]
sǐ 死 die
dàn 但 (conjunction) but
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
dànshì 但是 (conjunction) but, yet, still, nevertheless
Tā 祂 He, Him (God) / tā 他 he, him / tā 她 she, her
fù 复 turn around, turn back, recover, resume
huó 活 (verb) live, (adj) alive, living
fùhuó 复活 bring back to live, revive, resurrect
le 了 [used after a verb or adjective to indicate completion of work or change]
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven forty days after His resurrection
Yēsū dì sān tiān cóng sǐ lǐ fùhuó, bìng zài fùhuó hòu sìshí rì shēngtiān
耶稣第三天从死里复活, 并在复活后四十日升天
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4 / Gē lín duō qián shū 15:3-4 / 哥林多前书 15:3-4
Acts 1:1-3 / Shǐtú xíng chuán 1:1-3 / 使徒行传 1:13)
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
dì 第 [prefix for ordinal numbers]
sān 三 three
tiān 天 day, sky, heaven
cóng 从 from
sǐ 死 die
lǐ 里 inside, in
cóng sǐ lǐ 从死里 from (being) dead
fù 复 turn around, turn back, recover, resume
huó 活 (verb) live, (adj) alive, living
fùhuó 复活 bring back to live, revive, resurrect
bìng 并 and
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
hòu 后 after, afterwards, later
sì 四 four
shí 十 ten
sìshí 四十 forty
rì 日 day, sun
shēng 升 (verb) move upward
shēngtiān 升天 ascended heaven

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