Using a Stelo CGM (continuous glucose meter)

2 months ago

On May 9th of this year I was surprised to learn my A1c was pre-diabetic with a level of 5.8 (129 equiv). I've taken random finger tests and never saw my number above 110 and was wondering how I could be pre-diabetic. After doing some research I learned about OTC CGMs and I landed upon the Stelo CGM as it's android friendly and I don't need to see a doctor to be able to purchase one.

The insights have changed how I view things such as food and exercise. Through my functional doctor I learned things to help lower my A1c such as starting all meals with either apple cider vinegar capsules (or in liquid form mixed with water, ingested through a straw to not damage teeth enamel), eating vegetables first in meals, followed by proteins/fats, followed by carbs. If eating carbs, don't eat "naked" carbs, eat some type of protein or fat alongside of the carbs. Per my Stelo app my average glucose is hovering around 104, so I truly feel my A1c will be around 5.1 (or hopefully less) at my next check up.

I hope this video helps anyone thinking about using a CGM. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions either here, or through my X account @vernhildyhilda

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