Gen 23 - The death of Sarah. Who else was buried with her?

21 days ago

Gen 23:13
And he spoke to Ephron in the hearing of the people of the land, saying, “If you will only please listen to me; I will give the price of the field, accept it from me, that I may bury my dead there.”

The Cave of Machpelah is one of the world's most ancient Jewish sites and it's the second holiest site for the Jewish people. That's naturally after the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The cave and the adjoining field were purchased at full market price by Abraham some 3,700 years ago. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rebecca and Leah were all later buried in that same cave, there at Machpelah. These are considered the matriarchs and patriarchs of the Jewish people and all of his people. The only one missing is Rachel, now, if you'll recall, she died in Bethlehem and that's where she was buried, she died at childbirth. Now, the double cave which for thousands of years this cave was a mystery, it wasn’t found. It was uncovered several years ago beneath this massive building you're seeing here; it revealed artifacts from the early Israelite period, some 30 centuries ago. The structure was built during the Second Temple period about 2,000 years ago by Herod. He was king of Judea, and he was providing a place for gatherings and Jewish prayers at the graves of the patriarchs. Gen 23:14 Then Ephron answered Abraham, saying to him,

Gen 23:15
“My lord, listen to me; a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver, what is that between me and you? So bury your dead.”

Gen 23:16
And Abraham listened to Ephron; and Abraham weighed out for Ephron the silver which he had named in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, commercial standard. Abraham paid full price for the land, he didn't haggle, this is the only land that Abraham owned, that he actually purchased in his entire life, that we're told anyway.

Gen 23:17
So Ephron’s field, which was in Machpelah, which faced Mamre, the field and cave which was in it, and all the trees which were in the field, that were within all the confines of its border, were deeded over

Gen 23:18
to Abraham for a possession in the presence of the sons of Heth, before all who went in at the gate of his city. Now if you notice even at this time some 3,700 years ago land was still deeded at that time. That would especially apply to the land which is in the land that was promised to Israel. Machpelah is in that promised land and this follows the pattern here that we see later in Revelation when Yeshua Messiah breaks the seals of the book of life which is the title deed to the land of Israel, and he reclaims it in Revelation 6

Gen 23:19
And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field at Machpelah facing Mamre (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.

Gen 23:20 So the field, and the cave that is in it, were deeded over to Abraham for a burial site by the sons of Heth.

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