Thought Power - FULL audiobook by Swami Sivananda

2 months ago

This instructive book carries within it a life-transforming value. No one who reads it, with the necessary interest and attention, will ever feel inclined to remain unchanged in personal nature and untransformed in conduct and character. A good dose of careful judgment and confidence would help us to say that none of those who read this work, will be unable to resist the readiness to make their will a Power that alters and enhances their lives and destiny. The work is full of implicit directions for transforming our personalities into irresistible forces of influence and fascination, and for transforming our lives into so many great stories of the epic unfolding of the Divine Truth we hold, the Divine Light we carry and the Divine perfection we hold in our inner being.
This, then, is a simple, straightforward and inspiring book that offers many methods for cultivating and nurturing the power of thought. It is also a work that presents many useful suggestions that enable us to reach a region beyond the terrain of thought and its power, a realm of transcendental experience and God consciousness.

Sivananda has implicitly attempted to present in this work a dynamic knowledge of the power of thought in these three distinct fields:

The field of higher applied psychology: here Sivananda speaks of thoughts as forces that chisel the face, shape character, change destiny and make life an all-round success.

The field of true parapsychology: This field is covered by those passages and chapters widely scattered throughout this work, which shed light on the fact that the human mind is the seat and center of a number of supernatural powers and factors. Sivananda exhorts readers to harness these powers and operationalize in their outer lives the various higher faculties they command.

The Domain of Transcendental Realization: Wherever Sivananda prescribes a method for, or speaks of transcendence of thought, he is attempting to lead us into the domains of Divine Realization in which thought ceases to be such, and fades into infinite Consciousness.
This work, therefore, represents Sivananda to readers, in a sense, as a practical psychologist, a physicist and chemist in the world of thought phenomena, a parapsychologist, a Yogi, and thus helps them build their future, achieve their success in life, and acquire the power to manipulate thought and wrest from it the extraordinary powers it possesses. The book will also help them to achieve refinement and culture through the discipline of thought, to use their ability to release healthy, constructive and inspiring thought vibrations, to achieve, by realizing something great and grand, peace, happiness, and to obtain the realization of God which is the meaning, purpose and ultimate destiny of all human life on earth. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
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