McConnell Says Trump’s Border Funding Will Be Addressed Beyond Sep 30

6 years ago

Wall funding may also be postponed beyond the Sept. 30 fiscal year deadline. McConnell told the radio show a decision on how much to fund would “probably” wait until after the election, which means Congress will postpone consideration of the fiscal 2019 Homeland Security appropriations bill that includes wall funding.

The House is seeking $5 billion for the wall while the Senate has budgeted $1.6 billion. Senate Republicans are interested in adding more money to their bill but said it could provoke a spending stalemate with Democrats.

McConnell said he anticipates Congress passing nine of the 12 spending bills that fund the government before the new fiscal year begins which would be a stark departure from last year where lawmakers engaged in repeated spending showdowns and a brief partial government closure.

“This year we’ve had good bipartisan cooperation,” McConnell said.

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