Drone provides unique and stunning look at giant wind turbines

6 years ago

As we look at our landscape and the world around us, there is more beauty than we sometimes take in. Our busy lives make it hard for us to stop and appreciate the colors, the scenery, or the majesty of what is in front of us. And our view from the ground provides us with a limited view as well.

This drone operator has driven past a field of enormous wind turbines for years and each time he marvels at the construction and engineering that goes into machines that seem to reach almost to the sky. He wondered how things would look if you were able to lift yourself up to their level. These enormous turbines are a monstrosity to some who see them as an invasive sight, out of place with the natural world. Others consider them a potential threat to health and well-being with the unanswered questions about their electromagnetic field and their effect on humans and animals. Others see them as a godsend that will reduce the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

No matter what your opinion is, these towering wind catchers are springing up all over and it's impossible to not be at least a little impressed with their enormity. This thought gave Dave the idea to put his drone in the air and fly around them for a close up view. The farmer who owns the field gave his permission, as well as a little insight regarding these machines. The hub is approximately 150m or 450 feet above the crops and the blades stretch for over 50m or 150 feet each.

This video was filmed at a height of 150m for most of it and 230m (690 feet) for the view looking down on the blades. The view of the landscape behind them is stunning and as unnatural as these turbines are, the sight is magnificent.

Filming from behind the turbines, facing west, provided a surprisingly glorious sunset as the sun sank low over the horizon near Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes. From this height, the horizon is much farther away and the dramatic moment when the sun dipped below the horizon was more pronounced. Near the end of the video, the sun disappears with a suddenness that darkens the landscape almost instantly. Dave began to bring the drone down to earth as the light faded and we catch a glimpse of the hay silhouette as the quadcopter lands.

These giant contraptions will be the subject of heated debate and differing opinions for many years. No matter what your position on the value is, you can't help but marvel at the sheer magnitude and impressive engineering that is behind them.

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