2 months ago

DEC 4,24 O8AMA & THE CIA CREATE UKRA!NE TO BE A MONEY LAUNDER!NG First published at 16:28 UTC on December 4th, 2024.
531 subscribers
There is MUCH newbies will have to catch up on (including me) to understand the gravity of what has happened in the past.

I'd like to add for those that do not follow along on CaptKyle Patriots' countless posts and podcasts for the last 4 years plus years...

Yes we know Joe is an actor
Yes we know Joe's role is the president of a defunct corporation!
Yes we know "Fraud vitiates Everything"

Please understand that there are many newcomers everyday and just because you know something or we know something does not mean that every person in the channel does. Instead of randomly commenting something that would confuse the newcomers here, can we possibly take a few extra minutes to elaborate as you would for any one of your loved ones that are newly waking up.

Also a lot of this is being done by the book in the public eye for all those that are watching and whether you've been in this movement for many years or you're freshly new to it, a big part of this is learning the laws because not knowing them is how most people were kept asleep. A big part of this exercise is showing the public how we got here and why.

When reading a story in a book, whether it's fictional or non-fictional, people do not jump to the end and understand the whole story. And yes, this is a military operation but in order to understand it, we must understand everything (and not just the attention grabbing comments)!

Capt Kyle has been spending most of his time here lately to prepare everyone to help others. He's talked many times about not doing that with a fire hose. Think about that analogy for a minute. If you start shooting a fire hose of information down someone's throat, do you think they can absorb, comprehend and fully understand it or will they spit it out and reject it?

Okay on with the tweet🙌

"Clandestine is right about this."

Ukraine is at the center of so much corruption.
So many players are involved there. So much money flowing to Cyprus bank accounts.
Soros is heavily involved in Ukraine too.

Q asked, ‘what will Hunter’s financial records reveal?’

“Obama-era stenographer Mike McCormick has been accusing Biden, who was vice president in 2014, of committing crimes by using American taxpayer money to enrich his family through Washington-backed gas deals in Ukraine.
McCormick pointed to a timeline of what he called suspicious trips in spring 2014, including a visit to Cyprus in May of that year, accusing Biden and current national security adviser Jake Sullivan of “promoting a kickback scheme with Ukraine.”


Money laundering through Cyprus banks.

All of this is why the Hunter Biden pardon is a glorious thing!
Game theory.
Hunter flipped.
That’s why he left all the evidence on his laptop homepage

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