Early Arm Extension vs. Late Arm Extension: What’s Hurting Your Velocity? ⚾💥

18 hours ago

❌ Early Arm Extension:
• Arm extends too quickly into a horizontal slot after foot strike.
• Leads to:
• Arm drag with too much forward trunk momentum.
• Quick release with too little forward trunk momentum.
• Both scenarios hurt velocity and put unnecessary stress on the arm.

✅ Late Arm Extension:
• Delays arm extension to optimize trunk energy transfer into the ball.
• Allows for a balance of horizontal and vertical release points, maximizing power and precision.

If your mechanics are off, you’re leaving velocity on the table and risking injury. Train smarter to get your arm timing right and dominate on the mound. 🚀

🔗 Learn how to master your arm mechanics at TopVelocity.com

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