Baby boy killed by VAXX poison injections MMR Varicella Hep A

1 month ago

Gabriella Leigh is with Nick Santuccione and

2 others

"Hi my name is Gabriella , the mother of Dino Angelo Santuccione . Who lost his life at 1 years old due to vaccines . It was like any normal day I took him to his 1 year old check up appointment at Guilderland Pediatrician where my Son received 3 shots that day , MMR , VARICELLA , HEP A vaccines . My baby boy did not show any signs concerning . He had a low grade fever the night before his passing and his father administered Motrin and a hour later my baby boy went to bed , and did not wake up 😭 I lost my son 30 hours after he received his 1 year old shots . My baby boy went into heart failure . When we found our son it was too late . And the police treated us like criminals and locked our house down for a few days , took our phones for 4 days , took my sons pillow he slept on , CPS investigated Nick and I and my 3 children and did not find anything suspicious ! We were plastered all over the news , Facebook , News paper , before they even investigated what happened to our baby boy . My son was 32 pounds happy and healthy no issues no abuse NO NOTHING ! and CPS is blaming me because I did not go in and check on my baby boy in the middle of the night more !!! We finally received news from a lawyer they want to take on our case because they have found something involving the vaccines that killed my son . My baby boy should still be here today and not forever be 1 years old because of these vaccines these doctors keep pushing on our baby's / children ! We have a voice we should be able to stand up for our kids and what gets put into our baby's body's ! I miss you so much Dino it kills mommy , daddy and your sisters everyday knowing you are not here with us anymore celebrating life .I miss your giggles and your huge warming smile , I miss your "WHATS THAT " 🫵🏼 ‼️‼️ #STOPVACCINES ‼️‼️ #SHAREFORAWARENESS

Baby DINO ANGELO 12/20/2021 - 01-05-2023 Forever 1 👼🏼 "

February 11, 2024



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