Pastor Phillip Barnett shares Azovmena 1 and 2 Prophecies + TRANSCRIPT

1 month ago


eindtijdnieuws d0t c0m is almost totally c3n$0r3d here.

The Azovmena Prophecies: Azovmena 1 & Azovmena 2 VIDEO + TRANSCRIPT

Dreams and visions. Millions and millions of people saw Azovmena 1; it ends in a nuclear war…. In 1993 God spoke to Pastor Phillip Barnett: ‘I'm not just calling you to Ukraine, I'm calling you to many countries to preach what I give you’. In 2007: ‘I'm calling you to be a prophet, not just to Ukraine, but to many countries’. And He said, ‘I have spoken this to others, and they have all refused to give this prophecy. So you'll have to do it by yourself’.
Why did God tell Phillip the cities that are going to be destroyed? Because after the Rapture, hundreds of millions of people are going to be getting saved! And they need to know what cities are not going to be destroyed.

The Azovmena 1 Prophecy is about events before and right after the Rapture. Pastor Phillip Barnett recounts a prophetic dream he had in 2007 about nuclear attacks on eastern Ukraine and the United States.
The Azovmena 2 Prophecy is extremely detailed about events after World War III that takes place after the Rapture, and particularly how the Lord God will advise and lead His believers in America, Europe, Jordan, as well as many other places during the Tribulation. So Azovmena 2 is also calling to the European remnant. In this video He is speaking to many nations, and it mainly covers the middle of the Tribulation.

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