⭐ Jazz Lounge: Jazz Piano at Cafe Milano | Great background music for study and leisure. Enjoy! 💫

2 months ago

⭐ Jazz Lounge: Jazz Piano at Cafe Milano | Great background music | Enjoy! 💫 Please CLICK on the BELL & LIKE Icons.
➡️ Channel: Cosmic Key / @cosmickey ⭐ Playlist: • Jazz Lounge
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Story: On a beautiful afternoon, the seaside café Milano was alive with the gentle hum of espresso machines and soft conversations. Modern light fixtures cast a golden glow as jazz melodies filled the air, with a pianist's hands dancing across the keys. The mellow rhythm of drums and cello completed the soundscape, inviting guests to relax in sleek chairs. Through the café's large windows, the distant city framed the perfect backdrop to this tranquil moment.

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➡️ Marathi: माझ्या मराठी मित्रांसाठी आरामदायी संगीत
➡️ Hindi: मेरे भारतीय भाषी मित्रों के लिए - आरामदायक संगीत
➡️ Bangla: আমার বাঙালি বন্ধুদের জন্য আরামদায়ক সঙ্গীত (Āmāra bāṅāli bandhudēra jan'ya ārāmadāẏaka saṅgīta)
➡️ Punjabi: Mērē pajābī dōsatāṁ la'ī ārāmadā'ika sagīta (ਮੇਰੇ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਲਈ ਆਰਾਮਦਾਇਕ ਸੰਗੀਤ)
➡️ Gujarati: મારા ગુજરાતી મિત્રો માટે આરામદાયક સંગીત (Mārā gujarātī mitrō māṭē ārāmadāyaka saṅgīta)
➡️ Telugu: నా తెలుగు స్నేహితుల కోసం విశ్రాంతి సంగీతం (Nā telugu snēhitula kōsaṁ viśrānti saṅgītaṁ)
➡️ Tamil: எனது தமிழ் நண்பர்களுக்கான நிதானமான இசை (Eṉatu tamiḻ naṇparkaḷukkāṉa nitāṉamāṉa icai)
➡️ Kannada: ನನ್ನ ಕನ್ನಡದ ಗೆಳೆಯರಿಗೆ ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿ ಸಂಗೀತ (Nanna kannaḍada geḷeyarige viśrānti saṅgīta)
➡️ Oriya: ମୋର oriya ସାଙ୍ଗମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ସଙ୍ଗୀତ ଆରାମଦାୟକ |
➡️ Nepali: मेरो नेपाली साथीहरु को लागी संगीत आराम (Mērō nēpālī sāthīharu kō lāgī saṅgīta ārāma)
➡️ Malayali: എന്റെ മലയാളി സുഹൃത്തുക്കൾക്കായി വിശ്രമിക്കുന്ന സംഗീതം (enṟe malayāḷi suhr̥ttukkaḷkkāyi viśramikkunna saṅgītaṁ)
➡️ Urdu: میرے اردو دوستوں کے لیے آرام دہ موسیقی۔
➡️ Deutsch/German: Entspannende Musik für meine deutschen Freunde
➡️ Spanish: Música relajante para mis amigos mexicanos
➡️ French: musique relaxante pour mes amis français
➡️ Chinese: 给我的中国朋友放松的音乐 (Gěi wǒ de zhōngguó péngyǒu fàngsōng de yīnyuè)
➡️ Russian:Расслабляющая музыка для моих русских друзей (Rasslablyayushchaya muzyka dlya moikh russkikh druzey)
➡️ Portuguese: musica relaxante para os meus amigos portugueses
➡️ Indonesian: musik santai untuk teman-teman indonesiaku
➡️ Arabic: موسيقى هادئة لأصدقائي العرب (musiqaa hadiat li'asdiqayiy alearab)
➡️ Japanese:日本人の友達のためにリラックスできる音楽 (Nihonjin no tomodachi no tame ni rirakkusudekiru ongaku)
➡️ Javanese: Musik santai kanggo kanca-kanca Jawa
➡️ Korean: 한국 친구들을 위한 편안한 음악 (hangug chingudeul-eul wihan pyeon-anhan eum-ag)
➡️ Turkish: Türk arkadaşlarım için rahatlatıcı müzik
➡️ VIETNAMESE: Nhạc thư giãn cho các bạn VIỆT NAM của tôi
➡️ Polish: Nhạc thư giãn cho các bạn VIỆT NAM của tôi
➡️ Italian: Musica rilassante per i miei amici italiani
➡️ Ukrainian: Заспокійлива музика для моєї українки друзі (Zaspokiylyva muzyka dlya moyeyi ukrayinky druzi)
➡️ Greek: Χαλαρωτική μουσική για τους φίλους μου που μιλούν την Ελλάδα (Chalarotikí mousikí gia tous fílous mou pou miloún tin Elláda)
➡️ Latin: Resolutio musica pro amicis meis latinis
➡️ Zulu: Umculo ophumuzayo wabangani bami besizulu

⭐Music: 🎹 - Jazz: Music by Denis Pavlov from Pixabay

⭐Relevant hashtags:
#music #loungemusic #lounge

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