International Public Notice: Succinct Bad News on Christmas Day By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5186 Video - International Public Notice: Succinct Bad News on Christmas Day - Thursday, December 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have, over the years, especially as regards our research of the trail of patent interests, detailed much of the information contained in this reposting of "From BAD to WORSE! BRACE YOURSELF for this...." from OFF GRID with DOUG and STACY, which is itself a repost of a video clip of RFK, Jr., detailing how all this horrible criminality related to biowarfare--- and the recent pandemic--- developed.

RFK, Jr., is not the only one who knows this and is not the only one sharing this information. Look up the detailed insider information provided by Dr. Judy Mikovits, a loyal American and distinguished scientist, who has been repeatedly attacked and purportedly "discredited" --- while at the same time being upheld by the facts and having criminal charges dismissed.

This is typical of what has gone on in this country for the past fifty years.

People of integrity and goodwill toward humanity are the ones who have been attacked and "discredited" --- at least in the minds of their bought-and-paid-for attackers, and then, proven right, over and over again. Pay attention.

This is a pattern.

When people like Judy Mikovits and Bryan Ardis (See: › free-patient-resources) are attacked, commercial interests are involved and are acting against the Public Interest and in favor of their own bottom lines every single time we have had cause to investigate this phenomenon.

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