FBI - Diddy 'Snuff Tape' Featuring LeBron James Sold on Black Market LeBron James is set to be thrown under the bus

18 days ago

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🚨 FBI: Diddy 'Snuff Tape' Featuring LeBron James Sold on Black Market

LeBron James is set to be thrown under the bus by the entertainment industry elite following news that a "Freak Off" tape featuring the Lakers star engaged in depraved behavior at a Diddy party has been sold on the black market to the highest bidder.

LeBron has been hiding in plain sight for decades, openly associating with Diddy and other reprobates, while using the adoring legacy media to shield him from justice.

But this time, there’s no covering it up - the tide has turned, and it’s game time. The truth is finally coming to light, and a whole roster of household names are backed into a corner with nowhere left to hide.


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