2 months ago

I've been an avid videographer for over twenty years. I produced a full length documentary on prospecting and specifically on how to use a Keene 4” dredge. I have produced wedding videos and many smaller videos. These are clips of me trying to make an introduction to my prospecting video. Never used them because uhhh well the whole video was un-scripted can't you see!
Thanks for putting up with my crazy shat 👍🏻
When I was producing “Finding Gold in Tailings” there was a guy that stopped at our camp just off the Steese highway that was the road leading into my claims. He was interested in producing a reality TV show about miners and their life style. He explained how he was going to produce it to me and I said “If your going to produce a reality show on miners and their claims you probably won't make it back to the road alive. I said these are small family owned businesses and if you expose them to the outside world you will open a can of worms. MSHA is bought and paid for by large mining companies so they can produce gold without being fined for safety violations and they did come down on these smaller family owned gold mines and fine them out of business because they don't have the money to pay them off.{
About a year later after I had produced my video a reality TV show came on the scene called “Gold Rush”. I knew a few of the miners in that show. Mind you these guys weren't huge mining companies like Canada mining companies have in Alaska and all over the world they were the small family owned businesses. They got hammered by the boot legged thugs know as MSHA. I can say that because I am a victim of their tactics.
Thanks for watching. Old Rocker

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