NOTES - Sharing the Gospel ENG Chinese Pinyin - Part 3C

3 months ago

NOTES - Sharing the Gospel in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin - PART 3C
(Matthew 26:28, 1 John 1:7)
Jesus shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins
Yēsū liúxià de bǎo xuè shèmiǎn wǒmen de zuì
Matthew 26:28 / Mǎ tài fúyīn 26:28 / 马太福音 26:28
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
liú 流 (verb) flow
xià 下 down, under, below, [used after a verb as a complement, indicating the completion or result of an action]
liúxià 流下 shed
de 的 [used after a verb as an attribute, used after a pronoun]
bǎo 宝 (noun) treasure, (adj) precious
xuè 血 blood
shè 赦 (verb) remit (a punishment)
miǎn 免 (verb) excuse (or free) somebody from something, exempt
shèmiǎn 赦免 (verb) remit (a punishment)
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us
wǒmen de 我们的 our
zuì 罪 (noun) sin, guilt, crime
wǒmen de zuì 我们的罪 our sins
The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin
Yēsū de xuè xǐ jìng wǒmen yīqiè de zuì
1 John 1:7 / Yuēhàn yī shū 1:7 / 约翰一书 1:7
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
xuè 血 blood
xǐ 洗 wash
jìng 净 clean
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us
yīqiè 一切 all; everything
zuì (noun) 罪 sin, guilt, crime

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